Welcome to Wangi Wangi Public School!
It is a great honour that I have the opportunity to welcome you to Wangi Wangi Public School. Our school community is a tight-knit community, where every student is known, valued and cared for. I look forward to getting to know you and your child during their educational journey. School and learning is an exciting time for children and their families, and we are privileged to have your child attending Wangi Wangi PS.
At our school, we have dedicated staff, enthusiastic and engaged students, and a beautiful school environment which are all essential for creating a place where children love coming to school. Our recent school upgrade has provided us with amazing innovative learning environments, with collaborative learning spaces that offer students and teachers flexibility, connectedness and enhanced engagement.
Wangi Wangi Public School is a small school setting ensuring that lasting relationships are formed throughout a student’s primary education. Every teacher in the school knows and cares about every student. Students play cooperatively in a large playground and build friendships within the whole school environment. Our students demonstrate kind and courteous behaviours to each other and build friendships that make coming to school meaningful. Our school celebrates and models positive behaviours; Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be a Learner.
Our school employs current educational programs which are focussed on explicit teaching and engaging students in their learning. We teach a skills-based curriculum which will equip students to be motivated, passionate and highly educated citizens. We have a rigorous focus on literacy and numeracy and implement evidence-based teaching and learning practices that develop students’ reading, writing and mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding. All of our teaching and learning programs are centred around the “Future Focussed Learning” strategy which is designed to ensure that students have the learning skills for success in their world of the future.
Wangi Wangi Public School is dedicated to teaching “the whole child” and has a range of extra-curricular opportunities. We participate in Lake Macquarie sporting gala days, in-school music programs (currently guitar and ukulele groups), Environmental education, ICT programs, Wellbeing programs, Social and Emotional education, Gifted and Talented programs, Art club, Public Speaking and Debating competitions, just to name a few! We also have a strong focus on student leadership with a very engaged student leadership team. We also run whole school opportunities such as school excursions, swimming, cross country and athletics carnivals and we always have many students participate in regional carnivals. Wangi Wangi Public School is a small school with a big heart – WWPS is where amazing happens.
I look forward to meeting you and your child at Wangi Wangi Public School.
Kind regards.
Lee Englefield
Lee Englefield - Principal